Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stillness, Struggles, and Strength

College has been interesting, to say the least. By now it has gotten past the excitement of living away from home and constantly meeting new has become somewhat repetitious. Each week I go to my classes, complete my assignments, go to work, and run into many of the same people in the cafeteria. Then comes the glorious week-end with friends, fellowship, and the best day of all SUNDAY. It is on this day that I must be careful to keep it a day of sabbath rest and not too full of visiting people or running back and forth from nursing home singing to game night to worship to volunteering for different things....yup busy-ness is not hard to come by on a "day of rest".

I strongly beleive that helping out and doing good things is great but sometimes we take on more than we can handle. We may be surrounded by 'Christian' events and opportunities yet we don't have time to pray on our own or just to sit still for awhile...this isn't right! No matter what you should always have time to 'chill with God'. And then there is that other struggle of PRIORITIES...rather than grabbing a Bible and getting on our knees we get excited for "me time" and take a nap or pop in a movie...sure God is there but often we ignore Him. We need to remember that God is always there for us, but sadly we often do not give Him the time of day. We would rather spend countless hours on facebook or youtube than talking with God and reading His word. So here's a challenge I'm doing until December up my 'precious' checking it, no status updates, no peeking even! I would challenge you to do the same, a number of my friends have done it before me so I didn't make this up but I realize that this is something I need to do right now. This November I want to "Be still and know" that God is who He says!

Hmmm...that covers the stillness but not the struggles or the strength...but I am tired, very tired in fact so I will write as fast as possible to 'finish' according to the title. I already said I am tired, due to what I will deem my current issues which so far no doctor has figured out completely. This is tough, especially because I have very little energy but I have amazing friends here who are helping me through it. Thank you so much to those who have talked me through the pain, taken me to doctor appointments, helped me up when I was passed out, held my hand, given me hugs,  supported me as I walked, and driven me to the hospital late at night! God has obviously placed some very caring people in my life and I can't thank Him enough for that! It is truly amazing how I have so many dreams and plans yet they get held back so easily because of some stupid pain. And yet I know there are millions of people worse off than me, so kudos to them for dealing with life! At any rate that struggle is part of teh reason I feel I need to just be still and know who God is...which finally leads to the next strength:

I know, and am still learning or coming to realize each day that God is the source of all my strength. I can do nothing without Him! No matter how much weight I can benchpress, no matter how far I can throw something, no matter how much I think I can be strong and deal with my own problems the truth is that it is only with God!

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