Sunday, November 20, 2011

Could Contentment be Contagious?

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles." Philippians 4:12-14

There was a time not too long ago that I considered myself to have understood this passage. God provided me with an amazing family and blessings galore but I was able to travel to many different countries and see people who were in desperate need; somehow I felt that by going on mission trips my empathy counted as experiencing the needs of the people I worked with. Then I came to Dordt which is a wonderful place but I had to leave everything and everyone I knew behind. Yup...I had the whole contentment thing going on alright, but then God did what He does best and threw a new struggle into the picture. I felt like Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof saying to God "Sometimes I think, when it gets too quiet up there, You say to Yourself, "What kind of mischief can I play on My friend Tevye?" But then again, as I thought back to Paul's struggles with a 'thorn in the flesh' and remembered God's answer when he asked to have it removed "My Grace is sufficient for you."   

...NOW .....

Somewhere, somehow I saw a small sign like this...

And I realized that I was wrong...Pollyana quoted her father as saying "When you look for the bad you will surely find it"and that's how the 'glad game' came about. Instead of searching for negatives and complaining why not count blessings? Ok, so back to the Bible passage...Paul continues saying "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" It is not me who does it but it is also not God doing it for me, He gives me the strength! That verse is popular but the next one is not so much, not only does God give strength but other people encourage and help by 'sharing' in Paul's troubles.    Bouncing back to me personally I realized that because of my struggles I have met some truly amazing people, just like Paul, people who 'share' in my struggles and pray about it with me. All this said, I do feel content now.  

SO, in answer to the title question 'could contentment be contagious' I say yes! God made us relational people and he gives us the strength to be content, and to encourage others. One of the ways God gives us strength is through other people. When one person is content others can see as well and they wish for the PASS IT ON

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