Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hide it in Your Heart

I teach Sunday school class to the three and four year old children at my church...and it is always a fun time. These kids are so small, yet because they have been baptized and raised with the Word they know so much. They always make me smile! Last time I taught I was asked to make sure that all the children knew their memory work...upon hearing them say the verse I would write their name on a heart with the verse on it and slip it into a giant heart on a bulliten board. You should have seen their beaming faces as I said their names and slipped in the hearts. The verse on the bulletin board said from Psalm 119:11 says "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" The children understood; they were a bit upset that they could not take the hearts home...but I told them they could take the verses home in their own heart...they liked that. They smiled, knowing that in their heart they now hold a great treasure...the fact is simple... "Jesus is the Son of God" with that in mind we should also hide God's word in our own hearts, and in the hearts of children...telling the next generation and not forgetting about out Creator. THANK YOU God for the ability to recall your Word in times of trouble, and remember it in times of prosperity!

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