Tuesday, May 10, 2011

God is not a microwave

"God is not a Microwave"...that's what my friend told me...and it's true!

So often I wish, like the Pure NRG song Someday says "If it was up to me my life would be a blueprint on the table...and every year would have a label.." I've wondered lately about God's plan for my life...it seems like every time I think I have everything figured out God tweaks things a bit. It's hard to follow through with the verses that say to 'wait for the Lord'. But that little statement "God is not a microwave" show how impatient I (and many other people in this culture) have become. We expect to put a prayer in punch in a few numbers and pull out the answer we wanted..at just the right temperature too! But God is not like that...as hard as it is to remember it may take years for God to answer a prayer or reveal what He is doing in your life...and even then He may not answer the way we want Him to.

After all that ranting, and as much as it sometimes worries me...God does know best! He may withhold something 'good' from us so that we can have something much better later on! I suppose I'll just have to trust and pray...and delight myself in how awesome and holy God is...He knows what is best! Honestly, a gourmet meal that took hours to cook is worth the wait compared to a quickly heated and eaten hot-dog.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

ps. I don't know if my friend wants to be named on here so I'll give the credit to Lima echo echo Alpha november november :)

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