Monday, April 4, 2011

A joke :)

A friend of mine who I will call Abiyana shared this joke with me in school...enjoy...

A young minister of the Anglican Church received a new post where he was assitant to another older minister. The church members were very receptive to this new young fellow in the church.  One old lady often invited him over for tea an invitation which he always had politely refused. One day while out for a walk the young  minister realized that he was walking right in front of her house. She always invites me over he thought to himself I might as well pop by for a visit. So  through the garden and up to the door he walked. He knocked on the door repeatedly, "Hello? Anyone home?" He said, but no one answered. That's strange, he thought, Her bike is there in the laneway so she must be home...oh well, she must be busy. Grabbing a piece of paper from his pocket he scrawled a quick note to leave on the door knowing she would look up the verse (see below for verse)
               Revelation 3:20 
The next Sunday at church the minister saw the old lady but she said nothing...instead she dropped a note in the offering plate, knowing he would look up the verse (see below for verse)
               Genesis 3:10

Revelation 3:20 "behold I stand at the door and knock"

Genesis 3:10 "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid"

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